Men’s Club Presents: Men, Meat & Midrash with Milt’s


February 5, 2024    
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

We are greatly honored to have Rabbi Siegel with us for our current session of Meat, Men and Midrash with Milts. 

Rabbi Siegel’s topic for the evening will be: Jewish Views on the Ethics of War: Israel is in a just war, but is it fighting justly?

We will explore our traditions approach to a just war and the ethical concerns that go into waging such a fight. Join us for a lively, enlightening, engaging evening. Men’s Club will provide drinks and appetizers.

$25/Men’s Club Members

Meal Options:
Smoked Brisket Sandwich
Pulled Chicken Sandwich
Smoked Seitan Sandwich

Registration is now closed

Contact the Men’s Club with any questions: